Abstract: Digital Twin combines the presence of interactive projections of real-time three-dimensional shape-shifted particles – an AI computed vision entity – mixed with real world artefacts (gold gilded skull and a fan). The piece refers to and positions itself on a luminous plane, building a non-linear bidirectional narrative as a product of the relationship between the audience and the interactive entity – a futuristic volumetric and metaphorical digital Artificial Intelligence (AI) inspired by the evolution of the current concept of Digital Twin.  As Kamel Boulos and Zhang (2021:1)[1] explain:

“Conceptually, a digital twin is a digital replica or representation of a physical object, process, or service, but also much more than that. It is a virtual model (data plus algorithms) with special features not found in traditional models and simulations, one that dynamically pairs the physical and digital worlds, and leverages modern technologies, such as smart sensor technology, data analytics, and AI in order to detect and prevent system failures, improve system performance, and explore innovative opportunities. The ultimate goal for digital twins, at least in terms of manufacturing, is to iteratively model, test, and optimise a physical object in the virtual space until that model meets expected performance, at which point it is then ready to be built or enhanced (if already built) in the physical world.”[2]

This project reflects both the author’s individual research around mixed realities and his musings around reality and mortality. It also intersects, uses, and abuses concepts such as information and databases, highly involved in the contemporary data-centred context, particularly regarding health issues. The concept’s intent is to contribute to a promising debate, open to questions portraying the relationship between new technologies and their use in the creation of narrative strategies based on public action.

Can an artwork be changed and also change its audience?

The query endeavours to open paths for new interpretations, deep-seated on social and cultural experiences, albeit it individual or collective.

Keywords: Digital Twin, AI Installation, Interaction, Media Art, Art & Science.

[1] Kamel Boulos MN, Zhang P. (2021). Digital Twins: From Personalised Medicine to Precision Public Health. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 11(8):745. doi: 10.3390/jpm11080745 https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4426/11/8/745/htm

[2] Marr, B. What is Digital Twin Technology and Why Is It so Important? (2017). Forbes. Available online: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2017/03/06/what-is-digital-twin-technology-and-why-is-it-so-important/ (accessed on 2 July 2021) cited by Kamel Boulos, MN and P. Zhang (2021).