Abstract: With the advent of the augmented reality technology, the physical world is being augmented through the addition of data, such as images, video, sound and smells, which are introduced in a particular space, but also captured within that same space. This brave new world grows mostly due to the massive market introduction of mobile devices equipped with powerful cpu´s and sensors, which are allowing us to merge the digital and the real into a single, common space. This technology opened up a new territory for art that is now allowed to enroll in a space that is monitored/watched at the same time in which the artist can be more than a teller of fragmented narratives of reality and immateriality.
Inspired by the movie “They live” (1988 – John Carpenter), we present you an augmented reality art project called “They kill”, that brings a new cinematic narrative which overlays and unifies several spaces into one, making artistic use of time, motion and data. In the movie “They live”, the hero discovers a pair of special sunglasses. Wearing them, he is able to see the world as an alien would see it. In fact, it can be seen as a metaphor for what it really is: people being bombarded by media and government messages. In our project, using tablets/smartphones, the users can look at several food industry logos and brandings and see a new reality that aims to expose hidden secrets that may contribute to a rethinking about our current food culture.

Keywords: Realidade aumentada, Ativismo, Arte de guerrilha, food culture.

“They Live”, vista de loja pelos óculos da personagem John Nada. 35”43´.

Local: Supermercados (2016).

Esta instalação deu origem às seguintes publicações:
Eliseu, S., Bastos, P. (2016). They Kill. In: Avanca | Cinema 2016. Avanca: Edições Cine-Clube Avanca. PP. 1265-1269.

Eliseu, S. (2020). “They Kill”. In PRAXIS AND POIESIS: FROM ARTS PRACTICE TOWARDS ART THEORY, 81-90. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro. ISBN: 978-972-789-629-5